It was a dream come true. Every java developer hopes to meet the 'Father of Java' - James Gosling, at least once in their lifetime. A bunch of us got this wonderful opportunity, the other day, at Hyderabad, India. We were a team of 7 people from Vadodara, India; visiting Hyderabad, in the hopes of catching a glimpse of James Gosling from close quarters, at The Sun Tech Days, 2009. However exceeding all our expectations, we not only got to personally meet 'The Father of Java', and even take a bunch of photographs with him.

When we left our hotel on the morning of 17th February, 2009; to go sight-seeing in Hyderabad, we had not even in our wildest dreams, hoped to have such a wonderful encounter. Our first stop was at the Birla Mandir. When we were leaving the temple we unexpectedly ran into the 'Guru of Java' - James Gosling. After overcoming the initial shock, we ran behind him to confirm if it was really him. And to our surprise it indeed was James Gosling. This chance made our trip worthwhile, even if we were to miss the Tech Days.